France 1940 - 1/35 WW2 Diorama


A video showing how I built my France 1940 diorama which is based around various figures from Dynamo Models. Many thanks to Sylvain at Dynamo Models for sending me his figures with no obligation to use them in a video other than if I wished to.

You can follow along with all my projects as they happen on my Patreon page and as well as helping to support this channel there is exclusive content and downloadable goodies

1/35 FCM36 from ICM

Paints used for diorama;
Tamiya & Craft shop Acrylic Paints

Paints used for figures:
AK 3rd Gen Paint Sets - sets include shadow and highlight colours for mixing intermediate shades
Flesh and Skin - AK11621
Leather and Buckles - AK11620
WWII French uniform Colors AK11633
Vallejo Model Color and Vallejo Panzer Aces

Building material - 10mm XPS Insulation Foam
Gates and Hip Tiles - 3D printed using Anycubic Photon and Wash & Cure
Tree branches, bushes and climbing plants from Diorama Presepe
Additional leaves from Noch
Static Grass and Applicator from WWS

Airbrush - H&S Infinity CR Plus (0.15mm Needle)

Artis Opus - Series D
Rosemary & Co - Size 0 and 00

Please note that cameras and processing software may not accurately reproduce the colours of the paint. This may also apply to your viewing screen.


Aug 27, 2024 at 10:38 AM
Posted by DC
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