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Escape From The Pocket Normandy Diorama


I began building this diorama eight months ago. Chronologically this is my most recent diorama and I feel is my best. Though the vehicles are made by Forces Of Valor and Ultimate Soldier and come pre-painted, I repainted or weathered all of them. I wish I could take credit for the figures but I cannot and must give credit to Pepi15 (who without, my dioramas could not get anywhere near to realism). Although this diorama looks from the German side, the Western Allies suffered greatly - especially from "Friendly Fire" (the largest oxymoron in the English language). Some of the most courageous acts during the Falaise Pocket action were performed the Polish Army. I highly recommend reading more on this less than one-month period of the Second World War. Thank you for watching, commenting and subscribing to my videos. Thanks, Beetstreet
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