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Diorama 2nd Fallschirmjäger Div. Kirovograd. Ukraine, December 1943, - 1/35 -


The 2nd Parachute Division was airlifted on December 15th and flown to Kirovograd, 80 miles south of Cherkassy (on the River Dnieper).
They were immediately put into the line at Klinzy, several miles south west of Kirovograd backed by the 11th Panzer Division and the 286th SP Brigade. The 7th Parachute Regiment was to benefit from the SP support when it would counter attack on a 4 mile front in the Kamenka valley.
When the assault opened on the 16th December the Fallschirmjäger managed some minor gains, knocking out several Russian tanks in the process. The assault faltered later that day due to bad weather. The 17th was spent regrouping forces and preparing for the renewal of the assault on the 18th December.
The first objectives on the 18th were 2 hills heavily defended by Russian troops. All through the day the Paras pounded the hills with artillery, mortar and MG fire. They successfully took one hill in the evening of the 18th, the second fell early on the 19th.
Their main objective of Novgorodka could not be taken in accordance with their schedule, the SP guns were pulled out of the line for servicing. The 7th Regiment would have to wait until the 21st December to renew their attack.
The Russians reinforced the town of Novgorodka and the surrounding hills and when the attack resumed on the 21st the Russian defences were too strong for the Fallschirmjäger to crack. The Russians were determined to hold the town, no matter the cost in men and material. They threw in thousands of men into the battle only to be mowed down by the Paras. The advance started to falter and by the 23rd December the 7th Parachute Regiment was on the defensive but firmly held on to their weakened line. The Russians could not break through no matter what they threw at it.
It was the end of yet another year in Russia, another winter.
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