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Politics While Labour were hailing abuse at Boris Johnson and the Tories, it seems they had their snouts firmly in the Lord Alli trough, says Nana Akua

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GB News Reporter

Guest Reporter
It just gets worse. Sir Keir Starmer managed to make mincemeat, sorry sausages, out of his own party conference speech.

I told my seven year old son about this, and he rolled over on his back in hysterics.

It doesn't look good for Sir Keir on the global stage.

Then there was that awkward kiss at the end, his wife wearing a borrowed dress rather than one given to her by Labour donor to the front bench, Lord Alli.

Nana Akua

Although borrowed or given, what's the difference? As if we're going to police whether it was ever returned.

Now, it transpires Sir Keir Starmer has admitted that Lord Alli gave him £32,000 to pay for clothing - double what was declared for that specific purpose.

So on top of the £16,200, Keir received £10,000 in clothing donations in October last year and £6,000 in February this year, which he did not declare as clothing, rather as money for his private office.

Although which office that might be who knows, as this week it was revealed that Keir Starmer used Lord Alli's house to give a Covid message telling us all to stay at home.

He even went to the trouble of dressing up the background, so it would appear as though he were in his own house. I think you call that subterfuge.

He claimed that it was to protect his son, who was doing his exams from the press and journalists who were apparently hovering around outside his home. Only the timings were wrong, so that didn't make any sense.

So after all the pontificating and the trade of abuse that Boris Johnson and the Tories received from the opposition at the time, many on the Labour front benches had their snouts firmly in the Lord Alli trough. Talk about double standards.

And it looks to me that he even tried to disguise it. The question that needs to be asked is what is, what is expected in return for all of this?

When I go on a hot date, for example, I'm wined and dined and made to feel like a princess, and my date wants something in return, so I struggle to understand why Keir Starmer didn't appear to understand how that looked.

The question is, what does Lord Alli get in return?

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