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Politics The Labour exodus has begun and I fear this is just the tip of the iceberg, says Nana Akua

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GB News Reporter

Guest Reporter
So the exodus begins.

After less than three months in power, Sir Keir Starmer has lost one of his most promising rising female stars Rosie Duffield, Labour MP for Canterbury.

Rosie first really came to prominence when she stuck up for women's rights by simply agreeing to the notion that only women have a cervix, which is obviously true because the cervix is the neck of a womb.

Unless I've missed something, men don't have wombs. How quickly we forget the lunacy that possessed the party when it came to defining a woman.

Nana Akua

Rosie was also frightened back then to go to her own party conference for fear of repercussions, and on resigning her position, she accused Sir Keir Starmer of presiding over sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice.

That the avarice is off the scale, and that she was ashamed of what he and his inner circle had done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.

Very powerful words, in fact, words, some of which in particular sleaze, were attributed to the Conservative Party. She uses the word avarice - a word I think I last heard in the Bible.

It means extreme greed for wealth and material gain. The cash for clothes, Lord Alli scandal is an absolute example of that.

Yesterday another £16,000 was undressed as being wrongly assigned as money for his private office. If it's all above board, why disguise it? The only reason I can think of would be because the person declaring it knew it would look bad if they were honest about it.

She refers to nepotism, helping close family and friends and the inner circle, she calls it. A bit like contracts going to people with close links to the Tories during the pandemic.

There's a cigarette paper between the behaviours of both of our main political parties, and it's hilarious listening to the likes of James O'Brien trying to excuse it.

He said: "Your ability to pay your gas bill, how is it in any way affected by the price of the suit that Keir Starmer is wearing? Waheed Alli is a Labour peer giving money to his own party, giving money to members of his own party people, I don't know, perhaps he even describes as friends.

"So what is it that I am supposed to be cross about? And then the other voice kicks in and goes, no, you must be missing something. And you begin to think, well, am I being tribal? Am I being all the things that I accuse other people of being? And you can answer that question quite easily.

"Have they broken any rules? No. Have they broken any laws? No. Have they unlawfully prorogued Parliament? No."

Well maybe not, but things are unravelling as we speak and I suspect that there is way more to come. And for all of those in particular, journalists and broadcasters, who have tried to trivialise this story but were hot on the heels of Boris Johnson and Partygate, this, in my view, is just the tip of the iceberg.

In a resignation letter, Rosie stated: "Someone with far-above-average wealth choosing to keep the Conservatives two-child limit to benefit payments, which entrenches children in poverty whilst inexplicably accepting expensive personal gifts of designer suits and glasses costing more than most of these people can grasp, this is entirely undeserving of holding the title of Labour Prime Minister."

Rosie went on to say: "Forcing a vote to make many older people iller and colder, whilst you and your favourite colleagues enjoy free family trips to events most people would have to save hard for. Why are you not showing even the slightest bit of embarrassment?"

Rosie declared that Keir is unfit for office, inexplicably choosing to accept designer suits whilst at the same time pursuing cruel and unnecessary policies. Watch this space because there's more to come.

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