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Politics POLL OF THE DAY: Should Britain turn boats back to France? - VOTE NOW

  • Thread starter Dimitris Kouimtsidis
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Dimitris Kouimtsidis

Guest Reporter

Britain has decided against adopting an Italian-style approach of turning migrant boats back to France in the Channel, according to immigration minister Dame Angela Eagle.

Despite the ongoing migrant crisis, Britain maintains that it cannot turn back boats without France's agreement.

The French policy is to only intercept vessels if migrants request rescue.

Eagle explained the UK's position: "The French don't accept that migrants should always be returned to them.

"If incidents happen in French territorial waters, they go back to France. If they happen in British territorial waters, we bring them into safety in the UK," she told LBC.

This policy has led to controversial situations where French navy and border force vessels shadow migrant boats to the mid-point of the Channel, where they are then rescued by British Border Force and taken to Dover.

The French argue that intercepting boats without migrants' permission breaches maritime law and endangers their safety. They will only intervene if migrants request assistance.

Eagle added that the government is exploring options to prosecute boat pilots or facilitators, and is working to ensure that those who behave violently towards French officers can be brought to justice.

A group of people thought to be migrants are brought in to Dover, Kent

This is despite Italy's approach catching the attention of Sir Keir Starmer who met with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in Rome on Monday.

They discussed Italy's success in reducing Mediterranean crossings by more than 60 per cent.

Italy's approach to migrant boats stands in contrast to Britain's.

The Italian government has struck a £90million deal with Tunisia, allowing their border force and coastguard vessels to turn boats around and return them to the Tunisian coast.

With that in mind, do you think Britain should turn boats back to France? Have your say by voting in the poll above.

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