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Politics Politics LIVE: Robert Jenrick left furious after GB News reveals grooming gang survivor censored - 'Victims will NOT be silenced!'

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Jack Walters

Guest Reporter

Former Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick has been left fuming after GB News revealed a grooming gang victim was censored in court.

The woman, who was 11 at the time, gave a moving statement in Sheffield Crown Court last week.

GB News has seen the original copy of the speech that she intended to deliver, which had several sections crossed out due to restrictions ordered by the judge, who is granted sight of the statement before it is read out in court.

The censored conclusion said: “I’d like to request that after sentencing and upon Rudy and Showabe's release, that they should be deported back to Pakistan as this is where they originated from and came here to exploit children. Thank you.”

However, Barrister Matthew Bean, acting for the crown, said: “Whether they [the abusers] remain in this country or not [is up to the Home Office and] the decision should happen [regardless of what] the victim should say one way or another.”

Jenrick, who described the ordeal as an "appalling injustice", said: "Foreign sex abusers who came here and joined grooming gangs to exploit young girls should obviously be deported. The victims will not be silenced."

Tory MP Neil O'Brien added: "This is really bad - the system should not be telling rape survivors what they can and can't say in their personal statement."

The survivor also told GB News that Britain is failing to deport foreign rape gang abusers.

“If someone’s not born here and they’re here to exploit children, after the sentences they should be deported," she said.

“There’s nothing to say that they’ll stop exploiting children. We can deport them and let their own country deal with them.

“The Foreign Office should absolutely give Pakistan full punishment if they refuse to accept grooming gang rapists.”

She added: “Those men need to be deported or Pakistan should have its visas restricted.”


Lib Dems will replace Tories as 'official opposition', claims Davey​

Ed Davey

Sir Ed Davey has vowed to replace the Tories as Britain's official opposition as he closed the Liberal Democrats' 2024 conference in Brighton.

He said: "The Conservatives showed themselves completely unfit to govern our country, and the British people booted them out.

“Now they are already showing they are unfit for opposition too… [The Conservative Party] no longer merits a place at the top table of our politics.

“On July 4 we made a great start, but now let’s go further. Let’s finish the job.”

The Liberal Democrats won 72 seats on July 4 as Conservative support plummeted across the so-called Blue Wall.

Gillian Keegan and Alex Chalk were among the Cabinet Ministers unseated during the Liberal Democrats best-performance in a generation.

Lammy backtracks on Tories' £12billion climate change commitment​

Lammy on Brexit

Foreign Secretary David Lammy appears to have backtracked on the Conservative Party's £12billion climate change commitment.

Lammy said: "In contrast, my focus is on how we can actually deliver that promise, given the dire financial inheritance from the last government.

“Ahead of the spending review, they’re carefully reviewing our plans to do so.”

He added: “The British contribution to this target was a promise which the Tories casually made, but for which they did not have a plan.”

David Lammy says climate change is more of a ‘fundamental threat’ than terrorism​

Foreign Secretary David Lammy has warned that the threat of climate change is "more fundamental" to Britain than the threat of terrorism.

Addressing a press conference in London, Lammy told reporters: "The crisis is not some discrete policy area divorced from geopolitics and insecurity. The threat may not feel as urgent as a terrorist or an imperialist autocrat, but it is more fundamental.It is systemic. It's pervasive and accelerating towards us at pace.

"Look around the world. Countries are scrambling to secure critical minerals just as great powers once raced to control oil. We cannot let this become a source of conflict in the Arctic and Antarctic.

"Global warming is driving geopolitical competition over the resources lying beneath the ice. And in the Amazon, there have been the worst droughts ever recorded, partly as a result of deforestation in the Caribbean."


Lib Dem blames Brexit for PTSD diagnosis - 'Something died in me!'​

Pro-EU Liberal Democrat supporters hold an Exit for Brexit rally during the second day of the Liberal Democrats Autumn Conference at the Bournemouth International Centre

A Liberal Democrat Councillor has blamed Brexit for her PTSD diagnosis after claiming "something died in me" after the UK voted to leave the European Union in 2016.

Antonia Harrison, who represents the Liberal Democrats in Havant, made the stunning confession at the party's annual conference in Brighton.

Harrison, a mental health therapist who stood against Penny Mordaunt in the 2019 General Election, said: “I actually have in my medical history, a diagnosis of PTSD over Brexit.”

She claimed she lost her voice due to "trauma" brought on by the UK's decision to leave the Brussels bloc.

Clarifying her position to The Independent, Harrison added: “I have not been in Sudan fighting in a war, but it has had a profound impact on me. I am European to my core, and my identity has been ripped out. I am European before I am English.”

The Liberal Democrats’ long-term objective is to campaign for Britain to rejoin the EU.

However, Liberal Democrat MPs intend to first fix the UK’s “broken relationship” with the bloc before any major change.

Sir Ed Davey has opened the door on returning free movement for young people aged between 18 and 35, fueling concern about rejoining the single market.

Diane Abbott takes furious swipe at Starmer's leadership - 'I was treated as a non-person!'​

Diane Abbott takes furious swipe at Starmer's leadership - 'I was treated as a non-person!'

Diane Abbott has taken a furious swipe at Sir Keir Starmer after accusing the Prime Minister of treating her as a "non-person" during a race row involving a Tory donor.

The ex-Shadow Home Secretary claimed her suspension from the Labour Party over alleged antisemitic comments last year was a "move against me", with the Prime Minister hoping to "finish his clear out of the Labour left".

In her latest tirade against Starmer, Abbott told the BBC: "I think that initially I was treated as a non-person which felt very strange because at the same time they were writing to party members trying to raise money on how Hester had treated me, without mentioning me."

She added: "Keir Starmer treated me as a non-person and I got more support from the leader of the SNP, Stephen Flynn, than I got from the leader of my own party."

Abbott's comments came after Tory donor Frank Hester said: "It's like trying not to be racist but you see Diane Abbott on the TV, and you're just like I hate, you just want to hate all black women because she's there, and I don't hate all black women at all, but I think she should be shot."

Hester, who donated £20million to the Tories since the start of 2023, later apologised for his "rude" remarks but denied they were to do with gender or race.

Abbott also claimed she was indirectly offered a deal through a "third party" as Labour put pressure on the ex-Shadow Home Secretary to stand down ahead of July 4.

However, a Labour Party spokesperson said: "There is no doubt that she has received the most abuse of any MP just because of her gender and the colour of her skin, and that is completely reprehensible and wrong.

“The party, including Keir Starmer, vocally condemned Frank Hester’s vile comments and reached out to Diane at the time to offer support."

Junior doctors threaten further strike action just hours after agreeing bumper pay deal​

Junior Doctors

Junior doctors have threatened further strike action just hours after the British Medical Association agreed to a bumper 22 per cent deal.

Dr Vivek Trivedi, the junior doctors’ committee co-chairman, said that the deal was a “compromise” and “the first step towards our goal” to have full pay restoration.

He told the BBC: “Mr Streeting has talked about our pay falling behind inflation, and has talked about a journey to fair pay, and sees that journey occurring via the independent pay review bodies awarding their regular annual uplifts, and he wants to restore confidence in that process, which doctors don’t have for a number of reasons.

“But if that process does play out the way he envisages, the way that maybe it used to in the past, and that does inspire the confidence of doctors, then of course, there’s no reason for doctors to go back into dispute over pay and strike again.

“But if that doesn’t happen, and the Government does not correct that, and does not continue our journey to full pay restoration, which is what doctors have been calling for to keep their colleagues here so that medicine can remain an attractive profession in this country, then the Government will find doctors back in dispute.”

Dr Trivedi added: “This offer puts a doctor who was before this, earning £15 an hour only on £17 now, which of course is an improvement, and it does mark the start of that journey, but the journey’s not over.”

The announcement comes as a potential blow to Health Secretary Wes Streeting.

Following last night's vote by BMA members, Streeting said: "I am pleased that our offer has been accepted, ending the strikes ahead of looming winter pressures on the NHS."

Starmer 'angry' about criminals celebrating early release​

Around 1,700 prisoners were released early

Sir Keir Starmer has expressed his anger about criminals celebrating their early release from prison after Labour drew up plans to curb overcrowding behind bars.

More than 1,700 convicts were released early last week in the first stage of Starmer's plan to tackle overcrowding.

Some were snapped celebrating with champagne and other jubilant criminals were also snapped by photographers.

The Prime Minister said: “I spent five years prosecuting and putting people in prison, and being forced to release people who should be in prison makes me angry.

“But the choice was pretty simple. We’d got to the point where prisons were so full we had the choice between releasing people in the way that we’ve done it, or not being able to arrest people and put them in prison.”

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