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Politics No one is safe from our new PM and now a new poll has revealed EXACTLY what Britons really think of Labour's honesty - Carole Malone

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Carole Malone

Guest Reporter

So, Starmer is running scared from the Winter Fuel payment backlash? So he damn well should be.

He and the Queen of Thieves (Rachel Reeves) shouldn’t just be running scared they should be hanging their heads in shame for their treachery to the very people the Labour Party exists to protect.

These greedy chancers have spent years telling us how much better they’d be at looking after the British people than the cruel heartless, Tories yet the first thing they do when they get into government is kick society’s most vulnerable in the guts.

And today, Reeves - who has stone where her heart should be - ludicrously suggests pensioners can afford to lose the WFA because state pensions have gone up in recent years. Is she really such a fool? Doesn’t she realise that the price of everything has too - including fuel which is going up 10 per cent this winter.

Worse this gruesome twosome claims they have no choice but to do all this because of the fantasy black hole (which doesn’t exist) and the “dire” situation they’ve inherited from the Tories.

A situation that puts us as the fastest growing economy in the G7, where we’re doing better than the rest of Europe, where we have inflation at just 2.2 per cent and where Sterling is at an all-time high - all of which is nothing to do with Starmer and everything to do with what the Tories put in place.

But Starmer is now so scared about the repercussions of scrapping the WFA that he’s refusing to allow a parliamentary vote – not because of the Tories and the Lib Dems opposition to it – but because there are many in his own party who can’t believe he’s done this and want it reversed.

As for all his pre-election promises to keep the triple lock safe – don’t believe those either. Because he’ll ditch it as soon as his greedy union paymasters stick their hands out for more pay rises.

So why DOES the King of Thieves want to cripple old people? Why does he hate them so much? What have millions of vulnerable pensioners who have to survive on just £10,000 a year ever done to him?

This is the bloke who keeps telling us he won't shrink from the tough decisions but he’s running scared of the dissenters in his own party about this policy (pushed through without a vote) which will force many of the elderly to choose between eating and heating this winter.

Never mind that we’re spending £8m a day putting up illegal immigrants in 4-star hotels and giving most of them amnesty and then homes, healthcare, education and benefits. Some, we hear, are even refusing to learn English because they know it means they won’t have to work and they can live on benefits.

And while our money is being spent on THAT - pensioners who have paid into the system all their lives are going to be freezing – some maybe even to death this winter.

Does Starmer have no social conscience? Does he have no idea how some pensioners have to live and how they have to eek out what little spare money they have.

Of course he won’t and probably never will. Not just because his net worth is about £7.7m but because when he was DPP a special law was created for him to increase his own pension which exempted him from the £1m lifetime allowance. So, he’ll never have to live on £200 a week. He’ll never have to make the choice between eating and heating.

I wonder does he know that 1 in 5 people over 66 have nothing but the state pension to live on – which is about £10,600 a year. That’s how much he’d spend on a flash holiday unless of course it was being gifted to him - like many of his very boring clothes are - by his friend and multi-millionaire Labour donor Waheed Ali.

And just as Starmer and Reeves have snaffled the Winter Fuel Allowance we’re also told that pensioners are about to have their concessionary rail fares cut. As are disabled people. Now won’t that just be the icing on the cake for them this winter. They can’t stay home because they’re freezing and they won’t be able to travel anywhere because they can’t afford to.

What malicious, cruel and vengeful policies this Government is inflicting on the elderly. And you have to ask why. Is it because they suspect them of being Tory voters and so want to punish them? Because that’s what it’s looking like.

You also have to ask why Starmer has been so determined to be PM these last few years. He managed to convince some people - never me - it was all for altruistic reasons and because he wanted to take care of those who couldn’t take care of themselves. But that’s turned out to be a load of old Baloney.

Because it’s clear now he’s fleecing pensioners to throw money at his union paymasters who’ve given the party £36m in recent years.

Starmer’s forever peddling the story about being the son of a humble toolmaker to persuade people that he knows what it’s like to struggle when the truth is he has no bloody idea.

But he’s been rumbled now. A poll this week says voters now believe he wasn’t honest before the election – translated they believe he lied – and another last week said two-thirds of Brits believed this government is only interested in helping itself and its allies rather than the British people. And that they believed it to be “corrupt” or “very corrupt”.

And they came to that conclusion in just six weeks.

Our new Prime Minister isn’t just a hypocrite, he’s a fibber, he’s cruel and no one is safe from him!!

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