News News crew 'brazenly' ROBBED live on air amid report on out of control street crime

Marcus Donaldson

Guest Reporter
A TV crew has been robbed live on air whilst reporting about rising crime rates in a damning indictment on lawlessness.

Channel Seven reporter Hayden Nelson was appearing on the morning programme Sunrise when a man stole one of their lights during a broadcast in Adelaide, Australia.

The ironic theft occurred as Nelson was discussing crime statistics at shopping centres in the Australian city's Rundle Mall.

The thief approached Nelson and his cameraman around 5am on Monday, casually greeting them before quietly making off with the equipment.

Hayden Nelson


The crew didn't notice the theft until after the broadcast had finished.

"To give you an idea of just how brazen some of the crime is, this morning after our last live cross, someone came and took the light off our light stand," Nelson later explained on air.

"We have about three lights here and they've just pulled it blatantly off and walked away with it."

Nelson later told 7News why they didn't immediately notice the missing equipment.

"When you're about to go live, you've got an earpiece in with your director talking to you, and the sound of the presenters, you've got lights blaring at you," he said.

Hayden Nelson

"Your focus is entirely on the story and making sure you get your facts right."

The reporter, who has lived in Adelaide for three years, said this was the first time he or his team had been targeted.

"It was dark, it was in Rundle Mall and ironically we were reporting on crime issues in Rundle Mall," he added.

Nelson explained that the stolen equipment would be virtually useless to the thief.

"It would be impossible for them to use. The light itself needs a battery which is a broadcast-quality battery that you can only get in the industry, and it you need a charger for it," he said.

\u200bSouth Australian Police suspect

"Clearly there hasn't been much thought behind this opportunistic and senseless crime."

The reporter speculated the thief likely had no idea what they had taken or its value within the broadcasting industry.

South Australian Police has released an image of a man they believe can assist with their investigation.

The suspect is described as a grey-bearded man wearing an orange beanie, a backpack, a green shirt and dark shorts.

In the released image, the man can be seen holding a light bearing the Channel 7 logo.

"Do you know this man? Police would like to speak to him regarding an incident that occurred in Rundle Mall, Adelaide, about 5am on Monday 3 March," a police spokesman said.

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